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Monday, October 29, 2012

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Second Humbertown Redevelopment Meeting - Post from Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby

Thursday October 18th, 2012
Martingrove Collegiate Institute, 50 Winterton Drive
Open House: 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Community Meeting: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
This is the second meeting on this matter. It is primarily intended for those who could not attend the first meeting or were turned away at due to the overwhelming turnout.  The auditorium holds approximately 750 people.

I appreciate the massive concern and interest in this matter, but I ask that in fairness we give priority to those who could not attend the first meeting so they can listen to the presentation and ask questions.  The developer has not changed the application since the September 11th meeting and will have the same presentation.

If you cannot make this meeting, you can also attend Community Council in the New Year where you will have an opportunity to express your opinion and concerns.  The date of that will be publicized in the near future.

We continue to make it clear to First Capital Realty that this community will not accept the proposed density and height and ask them to work with the neighbourhood before proceeding further in their application.  The Working Group and the Humber Valley Village Residents Association have done an excellent job in making the community aware of our concerns. I am extremely grateful for their hard work and dedication in this effort.  If you would like a sign to express your opposition to the project, please visit:

At the May 15th Community Council meeting I moved the following motions on the proposed development and expect staff to uphold these points before writing their final report:

• The director of community planning include in his review of First Capital Realty's application a thorough examination of the contextual surroundings of Humbertown Shopping Centre, considering all potential impacts on the community, as well as the need to preserve the unique character and long-term stability of the residential communities that surround the site;

• Planning staff consider potential alternative development concepts that arise out of the working group discussions, and that may provide a more compatible relationship between the development and the surrounding communities in terms of height, density, land-use mix, traffic impact and overall urban design;

• Council direct a qualified consultant to be retained by the city in order to provide an independent peer review of the retail market analysis/ market impact assessment report which was provided on behalf of the proponent;

• The city reaffirm its support and further clarify the mandate of the working group to include the active participation of the appointed city planners, the city, the proponent, and the designated residents associations with the intent that issues and concerns arising from the application may be discussed and resolved while the city's review is ongoing.

The project remains too big, too dense, and too tall for this community.  I will continue to oppose this plan at Community Council and City Council and appreciate your support for my position.

I'm looking forward to seeing you on October 18th.    
Directions to Martingrove Collegiate are found here:,+Toronto,+ON&panel=1&f=d&fb=1&dirflg=d&geocode=0,43.673395,-79.561329&cid=0,0,9273034168815457797&hq=martingrove+collegiate+institute&hnear=0x89d4cb90d7c63ba5:0x323555502ab4c477,Toronto,+ON&sa=X&ei=iB5GUOa5FMm46wGq1oDgDA&sqi=2&ved=0CHQQ9Rc 

The school lot holds 170 cars with three handicap spaces.  Additional parking for 145 cars can be found on the north side of Eglinton Avenue and east side of Martingrove Road.  

Yours truly,

Gloria Lindsay Luby,
Toronto City Councillor
Etobicoke Centre – Ward 4.